
Election Readout 2021

Am Tag nach der Bundestagswahl, die die Ära Merkel beendete, veranstaltete Atlantik-Brücke gemeinsam mit dem German Marshall Fund of the United States und dem American Council on Germany drei Panels zu den Wahlergebnissen mit renommierten Experten und Politikern.

Panel 1: The Pollster and the Policy Expert

Janina Mütze, Co-Founder and CEO, Civey

Julia Reuschenbach, Lecturer for Poltical Science,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Sudha David-Wilp, Deputy Director Berlin Office, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States

Panel 2: The Politicians

Marieluise Beck, Director for East-Central and Eastern Europe, LibMod and Former Member of the German Bundestag (Alliance 90/The Greens)

Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman, Atlantik-Brücke and Former Member of the German Bundestag, Vice Chancellor and Secretary of State (Social Democrats)

Ruprecht Polenz, President, The German Association for East European Studies and Former Member of the German Bundestag (Christian Democrats)

Ambassador John B. Emerson, Chairman, American Council on Germany; Former Ambassador of the United States to Germany

Panel 3: The Pundits

Steven Erlanger, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent in Europe, The New York Times

Dr. Anna Sauerbrey, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Der Tagesspiegel

Dr. David Deißner, Executive Director, Atlantik-Brücke

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