Changing Views of and in the United States

Changing Views of and in the United States

Jacob Poushter, Pew Research Center

Friday, October 08, 2021
09.00 am - 10.15 am

Berlin & Online

Atlantik-Brücke will host a hybrid breakfast discussion on public opinion on the events that unfolded in Afghanistan titled “A World in Tumult? Changing Views in the United States.”

Our speaker is Jacob Poushter, Associate Director, Global Attitudes Research, Pew Research Center.

During the breakfast briefing Jacob Poushter of the Washington, DC-based Pew Research Center, will present an overview of the Center’s most recent public opinion data on the global image of the United States now that Joe Biden is in the White House and on Americans’ views of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and President Biden’s handling of it, the acceptance of Afghan refugees, and Biden’s latest domestic approval rating.

This event is aimed at members, Young Leaders alumni and New Bridge alumni of Atlantik-Brücke.
For registration please login.

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