“Reinventing the German-American Agenda in 2021“
German-American Conference

“Reinventing the German-American Agenda in 2021“

Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman, Atlantik-Bruecke and Ambassador John Emerson, Chairman, American Council on Germany

Wednesday, December 02, 2020
03.30 pm - 04.30 pm

Digital Video Conference

As part of the virtual 2020 German-American Conference, Sigmar Gabriel, Former Federal Minister; Former Vice-Chancellor; Chairman, Atlantik-Bruecke e.V., and Ambassador John Emerson, Chairman, American Council on Germany, look back at 2020 and ahead to see what 2021 might bring for German-American relations.
This year, the coronavirus crisis has shown that Europe and the United States face similar challenges – and has underscored how countries must work together to meet those challenges. With a new administration entering office in the United States in January and elections in Germany in the fall, there are opportunities to reinvent the German-American agenda to address the common challenges facing Europe and the United States.
This event is held in cooperation with the American Council on Germany.

This event is aimed at members, Young Leaders alumni and New Bridge alumni of Atlantik-Brücke.
For registration please login.

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