Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics:  Next Frontiers in Finance, Technology, and Energy
Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics

Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics: Next Frontiers in Finance, Technology, and Energy

Thursday, September 26, 2024

New York City

Following two successful editions of the Forum in Frankfurt 2022 and Berlin 2023, the Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics will go to the United States for the first time. Taking place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, this third iteration of the Forum will gather top political and financial decision-makers from around the world and executives from across the private sector.

We will be tasking these leaders to increase alignment and collaboration between Western allies and the private sector – and to identify multilateral solutions for securing the global financial system, boosting technological innovation, and advancing energy transition.

The full agenda and speaker line-up will be announced in the coming weeks. Confirmed speakers include Nick Burns, U.S. Ambassador to China, Elizabeth Kelly, Director of the NIST U.S. AI Safety Institute, and Daleep Singh, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics at the National Security Council of the White House.

We cordially invite you to join us – in-person or virtually – for dynamic conversations and meaningful insights at the forefront of transatlantic economic cooperation. To register for the conference and to receive any future announcements, please follow this link.

The conference day will be rounded out by a special cultural highlight: On the evening of September 26, after the official conclusion of the Forum, Atlantik-Brücke will host a German-American Friendship Concert in Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall that will feature the Orchestra of St. Luke’s from New York City, bringing together 30 musicians and soloists such as the renowned German cellist Daniel Müller-Schott. You can register for the concert on our website.

We look forward to seeing you on September 26th in Manhattan!

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