
The US and Europe have to further increase pressure on Russia – and China
Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine would not be possible without China's supply of dual-use goods, said US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo in a speech at Atlantik-Brücke. His entire speech is documented below.
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Sweden has finally come home
Sweden's ambassador to Germany, Veronika Wand-Danielsson, sees her country's accession to NATO as a Swedish "Zeitenwende".
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Clinton and Lipstadt: Combating Antisemitism
Secretary Hillary Clinton and Special Envoy Deborah Lipstadt sat down with Atlantik-Brücke CEO Julia Friedlander on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference 2024 to discuss the sources of contemporary antisemitism.
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Meet-Up in Los Angeles: New Bridge Alumni Reunion 2023
This fall Atlantik-Brücke’s New Bridge Alumni had the chance to come together for the second annual New Bridge Alumni Reunion in sunny Los Angeles. Almost 60 people from seven American as well as one German cohort joined in discussions on “Global Challenges and Local Solutions”.
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An Abundance of Shared Challenges and Goals
Energy and the environment; innovation and AI, industrial policy and supply chains as well as defense, security and procurement: these were the topics of the German-Canadian Conference 2023.
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Global Economic Disruptions and Transatlantic Alliances
The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and climate change have created huge disruptions – with lasting implications at the global, national, and local levels. At this critical juncture, the American Council on Germany and Atlantik-Brücke convened their annual transatlantic conference in Washington, D.C. to explore the recent economic impacts to the transatlantic partnership – and worldwide.
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A Taiwan Crisis Looms on the Transatlantic Horizon
The status of Taiwan is increasingly preoccupying the states of the democratic West. What are the current risks of escalation by China? And what could possible sanctions look like in response?
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Atlantik-Brücke for Ukraine
To contribute to the urgently needed emergency humanitarian aid for Ukrainians, Atlantik-Brücke is appealing for donations to CARE's projects on the occasion of the bitter anniversary of February 24.
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Is the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act Hurting the German Economy?
Michael Hüther, Director and Member of the Executive Board of the German Economic Institute (IW), and Jürgen Matthes, Head of IW's Global and Regional Markets Cluster, assess the implications of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act for Germany and Europe.
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„A Place Where One Can Sense the Appeal of the Transatlantic Project“
On the occasion of Atlantik-Brücke's 70th anniversary, German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier emphasized the importance of transatlantic relations and encouraged a willingness to engage in dialogue.
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Frankfurt Forum
The Frankfurt Forum, a groundbreaking conference on geoeconomics in cooperation with the Atlantic Council, featured high-level stakeholders on questions of trade, currency governance, digital assets and state craft. Among the speakers were Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, and Paolo Gentiloni, EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union.
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“A lot to be hopeful for”
The 2022 Young Leaders convened in Atlanta, Georgia. In their conference report, they reflect on the hard questions they discussed, the solutions they developed, and the hope they have - despite the crises that the world is facing.
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“Our Strength Comes from our Diversity”
A cohort of New Bridge Fellows shares insights into why they applied to the program, how their views on Europe have changed, and what the experience taught them.
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“Nord Stream 2 was a mistake. We simply didn’t listen to the Eastern Europeans.”
An exclusive interview with Atlantik-Brücke Chairman Sigmar Gabriel on Putin's war against Ukraine, the flaws of Germany's Russia policy, and the unwavering importance of the transatlantic alliance.
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Keynote by U.S. Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken
Atlantik-Brücke, the American Council on Germany, Aspen Institute Germany and the German Marshall Fund of the United States were honored to host the U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken for a keynote on the transatlantic partnership.
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Inside the New Bridge Program
In this short film, participants of the New Bridge Program give an insight into their motivation to come to Europe and share their experiences on the trip.
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“We need alliances – now even more than ever”
Atlantik-Brücke was honored to welcome U.S. Consul General Thatcher Scharpf to Frankfurt. The Consul General shared a positive outlook on transatlantic relations.
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More Diversity: Rethinking Transatlantic Relations
A new Atlantik-Brücke program is bringing Americans of diverse backgrounds to Europe to enrich the European-American dialogue and spark interest in Europe among those who previously had no professional or personal ties to the continent.
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Changing Views of and in the United States
Jacob Poushter, Pew Research Center, explains the latest polling data on the U.S. image abroad, troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, and President Biden's approval ratings at home.
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Election Readout 2021
Journalists, Scholars and Politicians comment on the implications of the outcome of the German elections.
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USA and EU remain each other’s most important economic partners
Despite numerous challenges in recent years, the EU and the US remain each other's most important economic partners. That is the result of a study conducted by the German Economic Institute for Atlantik-Brücke.
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German-American Young Leaders Conference 2020-2021
Up and coming leaders from Germany and the United States came together for a week at Schloss Neuhardenberg in Brandenburg, Germany. After a year and a half of social distancing, this Young Leaders conference felt truly special.
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Strengthening Old Ties and Creating New Ones
Atlantik-Brücke Chairman Sigmar Gabriel and Executive Director David Deißner travelled to Washington, DC, to meet with Atlantik-Brücke's partners and lay the groundwork for a new program.
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Germany, the US, and the Future of Democracy
In this series, Anne Applebaum, Daniel Ziblatt and Jan-Werner Müller discuss current challenges to democracy.
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“A 1949 Moment”
Ambassador Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary for Political Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, spoke with John B. Emerson, Chairman of the ACG, and Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman of Atlantik-Brücke, about President Biden's recent trip to Europe, the common challenges ahead and the priorities for U.S. foreign policy.
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Transatlantic Technology Cooperation: Where Are We Headed?
Bruno Gencarelli, Christopher Hoff, Martin Jetter, and Iris Plöger on the opportunities and challenges of transatlantic technology cooperation.
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A Conversation on Relations between China and the West: A Perspective from Beijing
Wang Yi, Sigmar Gabriel, Federica Mogherini, and Wolfgang Ischinger discuss the future of the EU's and the West's relationship with China.
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“To move forward on modernizing the WTO rules, we must first address China”
The Word Trade Organization’s need for reform is often closely linked with challenging policies by China, says trade expert Daniel S. Hamilton.
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“Maybe We’ll See a Realignment”
Former Senator Barbara Boxer spoke with journalist Marie-Astrid Langer, NZZ, about the high levels of polarization in the US, the future of the two-party-system and the question of whether President Biden will succeed at unifying the nation. Boxer, who looks back at a decades-long political career, gives deep insights into what is happening in Washington.
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Reforging the Transatlantic Energy Alliance: From Sanctions towards Cooperation
Former Ambassadors Richard Burt, Daniel Fried, and Janusz Reiter, together with Mario Mehren and Dr. Kirsten Westphal discuss Nord Stream 2 and transatlantic cooperation on energy issues.
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A New Green Era in Transatlantic Relations
Frans Timmermans, First Executive Vice-President, European Commission, Werner Baumann, Bayer, Lynn Scarlett, The Nature Conservancy, and Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman, Atlantik-Brücke, discuss transatlantic cooperation for climate protection.
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A Wake-Up Call
A statement from Atlantik-Brücke’s board of directors: The violence in Washington on January 6 has shocked the world. Atlantik-Brücke stands alongside the overwhelming majority of Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, in distancing ourselves from the attackers and condemning this incident in the strongest possible terms. This incident should be a wake-up call for all who avow themselves to freedom and democracy, in the US and here in Germany.
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Atlantik-Brücke Highlights 2020
In 2020, Atlantik-Brücke was able to bring together absolutely outstanding speakers. They included Francis Fukuyama, Emily Haber, Nicholas Burns, Clarissa Ward, John Allen, Tom Friedman, Victoria Nuland, Robert Zoellick, John Emerson, Heidi Heitkamp, Joseph Nye, Garlin Gilchrist, Cathryn Clüver, John Lipski, Imani Perry and many more.
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The Need for a Transatlantic China Strategy
A 4-minute-assessment by New York Times Op-Ed Columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas L. Friedman on the US’s and Europe's relationship with China, Trump's unilateral approach and the need for multilateral cohesion.
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A Pollster’s Analysis on the U.S. Election
Four leading American pollsters give us their take on the upcoming election, moderated by former Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty.
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Röttgen: “Sanctions must never be used against partners”
Norbert Röttgen, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, criticizes the recent escalation of the U.S. Senate against Nord Stream 2.
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The ball is in Europe’s court
President Trump's announcement to withdraw 9,500 US soldiers from Germany marks a historic low in relations with America. Atlantik-Brücke's Managing Board calls for measures to overcome the crisis. Europe has to start playing a more active role in transatlantic relations, having sailed in the USA's wake for too long.
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A Conversation on Racism and Police Brutality in the U.S.
What does the death of George Floyd reveal about the structures of the American police force? Will the protests change American society? Imani Perry, Kirsten West Savali, LaSean Knox-Brown and Jan-Philipp Burgard discuss these questions.
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“Did We Miss the Warning Signals?“
Ambassador Boris Ruge and Professor Gregory F. Treverton discuss with Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller whether we could have anticipated this pandemic.
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Covid-19 and its implications for transatlantic relations
Ambassador Nicholas Burns and Atlantik-Brücke-Chairman Sigmar Gabriel discuss how the pandemic is and should be addressed by the transatlantic partners. While they agree it is natural for governments to prioritise caring for their own citizens, they underline that the global health crisis, which will be followed by a global economic crisis, needs to be addressed in a cooperative effort.
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“El Paso is a shining example of the goodness that comes with choosing to care”
In 2019 El Paso, Texas became the site of the deadliest anti-Latino massacre in recent U.S. history. In Atlantik-Brücke’s Transatlantic Call Congresswoman Veronica Escobar speaks about the difficulties in dealing with the attack.
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“We want to defend our way of life”
What are Western vlaues, and do they still connect Germany and the United States today? We spoke to a diverse group of Germans and Americans. Among them: Richard Haass, President of the CFR, Omid Nouripour, Foreign Policy Spokesperson for the Green Party, German Ambassador to the US Emily Haber and State Secretary Sawsan Chebli.
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“Emphasis should be on real equality of opportunity”
In our video interview series, we talked to politicians, entrepreneurs, artists, thinkers and activists about the importance of equality for the Western world.
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“Our freedoms have not come out of nowhere”
What do people from both sides of the Atlantic associate with the term freedom? How important is freedom for each and every individual, what does it mean for our societies? Are we ready to stand up for our own freedom and that of others? We have asked politicians, artists and entrepreneurs from both sides of the Atlantic to talk to us about their views.
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“The government hasn’t constructed new stretches of fencing”
Blas Nuñez-Neto regards the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexican border as the most pressing challenge of the current American immigration policy. The Senior Policy Researcher at RAND Corporation discusses in an Atlantik-Brücke Transatlantic Call President Trump's plans of building a wall, his debate with Congress, and the value of migration.
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Passing storm or tectonic shift?
Forty-five Young Leaders from the United States and Germany came together for a week of deep engagement on transatlantic issues in Queenstown, MD. On a political level, this year’s cross-sectoral group of young decision-makers observed a more volatile transatlantic relationship. In times of rising nationalism and populism in both countries, the issues at stake were emotional, debates heated. Nonetheless, the bonds forged show just how strong our transatlantic connection remains.
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Sigmar Gabriel new chairman of Atlantik-Brücke
On June 26, Atlantik-Brücke members elected a new board of directors. The new chairman of the organization is former Federal Minister and MdB (SPD) Sigmar Gabriel. Vice chairmen are former Federal Minister and MdB (CDU/CSU) Norbert Röttgen and Professor Dr. Michael Hüther, Director and Member of the Presidium of the German Economic Institute.
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“The number one national security priority is great power competition”
Elbridge Colby, Director of the Defense Program at the Center for a New American Security, regards China and Russia as the biggest security policy threats for the USA. Germany should be more engaged within NATO, he argues.
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Zuckerberg: “We need a more active role for governments and regulators”
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, discusses in this conversation with Atlantik-Brücke the social network's strategy. Within it the countering of disinformation campaigns prior to elections play a major role.
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“The shutdown was a tactical misstep by the President”
Jamie Fly talked to members and Young Leaders of Atlantik-Brücke about the new political power relations in Washington. At a dinner discussion in Berlin, the Senior Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) highlighted the domestic and foreign policy implications of the midterm elections and the partial government shutdown.
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Minister Freeland honored with Warburg Award
Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland was presented with the Eric M. Warburg Award by Atlantik-Brücke in recognition of her strong commitment to CETA, the trade agreement between Canada and the EU. She is the first Canadian to receive the Warburg Award.
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Atlantik-Brücke mourns George H. W. Bush
Atlantik-Bruecke mourns the passing of George Herbert Walker Bush. With him, we lose a close friend to Germany and a convinced transatlanticist. He was a courageous champion of the free world, without whose historical vision German reunification would not have been possible.
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On The Record
Since 2015 Steve Russell represents the 5th district of Oklahoma in the Congress of the United States. Russell regards the transatlantic alliance as stable and culturally ingrained. The Congressman explains in conversation with Atlantik-Brücke where Americans and Europeans should encounter each other, why Eastern Europe must concern us and why he doesn't trust Iran.
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On The Record
In our first episode of "On the Record", we talk to Julianne (“Julie”) Smith, former Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden. Shortly before the Midterm elections, she speaks about the discontent of many Americans with the elites in Washington, about President Trump's foreign policy and the future of NATO.
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“One of the key factors is our openness to the world”
Dr. Ailish Campbell is Canada’s Chief Trade Commissioner and assesses the outcomes one year after CETA’s implementation: 99 percent of the Canadian-European Free Trade Agreement have already come into force.
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Young Leaders’ Voices
Find out what this year's German and American participants of the Young Leaders program have to say about the conference, about transatlantic relations and the issues that need to be on our agenda now.
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“A wake-up call”
At Schloss Neuhardenberg in Brandenburg, forty-eight young professionals met for the 40th German-American Young Leaders Conference. The discussions were shaped by one overarching topic: In the face of both external and internal pressures, what is the future of the transatlantic partnership?
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Uphold the transatlantic community of values!
In conclusion of this year’s General Assembly, Atlantik-Brücke e.V. issued an appeal on the future of the transatlantic relationship.
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Russian challenges tire out our population
Part XV of our series: Lithuania’s Ambassador to Germany, Darius Semaška, represents a country on the eastern border of the NATO territory. In this essay he describes how Lithuania experiences the threat created by Russia on a daily basis. Russian cyber attacks on critical infrastructure serve as one major example of this constant insecurity.
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Nordenman: “Doubts about America’s commitment to Article 5 are removed”
Part XIV of our series: Magnus Nordenman calms the inhabitants of Guam and Hawaii: After initial irritations, the U.S. government under President Trump adheres firmly to the mutual defence clause.
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Gottemoeller: “A demonstration that we stand together”
Part XIII of our series: Rose Gottemoeller regards the Alliance’s security guarantee for the Baltics and Poland as reliable. NATO Deputy Secretary General demands that Russia complies with its commitments to transparency of its military exercises in this region.
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“The EU is now motivated to take real action”
Part XI of our series: Julie Smith supports the plans of a strong European Defense Union. Smith underlines that NATO would benefit if these efforts among European militaries succeeded.
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Nye: “Nastiness can be more effective than soft power”
Part X of our series: Joseph Nye regards President Trump’s handling of NATO as forceful. Moreover, the Professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University detects that Trump has adapted to foreign policy traditions more than he expected.
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President Trump: One Year Later
By Eric Ham. U.S. President Donald Trump's improbable rise to the White House caught many by surprise. Since taking the oath of office, his Administration has been anything but smooth. Yet through it all, the former real-estate tycoon and reality television star continues to reshape Washington and the geo-political landscape issue-by-issue; challenge-by-challenge; crisis-by-crisis.
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Hooker: “‘America first’ does not mean ‘America alone’”
Part VI of our series: Richard D. Hooker Jr. says the American commitment to NATO is ironclad, based on fair burden sharing. The Special Assistant to President Trump and Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs in the National Security Council outlines the U.S. strategy for the alliance.
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Hodges: “NATO is the most successful Alliance in world history”
Part V of our series: Lieutenant General Frederick B. Hodges highlights the value of logistics and interoperability for NATO in Europe. Hodges who has served as Commanding General of the U.S. Army Europe until December 15, 2017 also expresses his hope that the strained American-Russian relationship will improve.
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The “New South”, New Skills, and Old Alliances
Over the course of six days, the Atlantik-Brücke delegation traveled to the United States and met with a diverse group of politicians, CEOs, journalists, academics, and others, in Charlotte, North Carolina and Washington, DC.
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