New Bridge Program

Continuing to Build Bridges
Die diesjährige Kohorte des New Bridge to the U.S. Programms berichtet von ihren Erfahrungen während der Studienreise in die USA. Nach dem Auftakt in Berlin reisten die Fellows nach Washington, D.C., Montgomery, Al, und Atlanta, GA.
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New Bridge to the U.S.: Class of 2024
Our second New Bridge cohort from Germany will travel this June from Berlin, to Washington, D.C. to Montgomery and Atlanta. We are honoured to introduce our Class of 2024.
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The German-American Conference in Washington, D.C.: An In-Depth Analysis from a New Bridge Perspective
With generous support from the German Federal Foreign Office, Atlantik-Brücke was able to fund the participation of eight New Bridge alumni in this year’s German-American Conference.
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Building Bridges through Transatlantic Dialogue
Read more about the transatlantic experiences of the seventh cohort of New Bridge to Germany that travelled from Washington, D.C., to Brussels, Berlin, and Hamburg.
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